Professor Wang Yonggui Gave Academic Lectures to Guide Teachers and Students to do a Good Job in Marxist Theory Research

Author: Time:2020-09-07 Hits:

On October 20th, the college invited Professor Wang Yonggui, the"Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education, dean of The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanjing Normal University and doctoral supervisor, to lecture on "How to do marxist Theory Research well" for teachers and students of Longdong Campus of Guangdong University of Technology.

Professor Wang Yonggui combined his academic and work experience and used a wealth of cases to teach teachers and students "how to read a good book, how to do a good job of learning, how to write a good article, and how to publish an article". Professor Wang encouraged students to establish a three-dimensional learning mode through classroom learning, network learning and practical learning. Professor Wang pointed out: "The study of Marxist theory should strengthen four consciousnesses, namely, subject consciousness, problem consciousness, normative consciousness and innovation consciousness." To enhance the subject awareness is to learn professional knowledge and lay a good foundation; to enhance the problem awareness, we should pay attention to discover the problem, make clear the theme, locate the subject and sublimate the problem; to enhance the awareness of norms means is to pay attention to the norms of writing papers; to enhance the consciousness of innovation is to make innovations in topics, ideas and expressions.

Professor Wang Yonggui also interacted with teachers and students on the spot, answering questions for teachers and students, and answering questions that should be paid attention to in writing and publishing articles. Teachers and students have expressed that they have benefited a lot. Professor Wang's lecture has answered many academic doubts and will be of great help to future academic research and paper publication.

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